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Let It Begin

Big Daddy Weave

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Troy Fields

Church: Tree of Life Assembly of God

I would like to appreciate our pastor, Pastor Troy Fields and his lovely wife, Sara, of Tree of Life Assembly, in Lexington, MN.
They are God’s written letter impressed upon our hearts as we watch them live real life before us, its ups and downs, joys and tragedies, yet remain full of faith, hope, joy and love as they trust and praise the Lord, in spite of the circumstances. They have gone a year plus without a secondary source of income, lost Sara’s beloved mother in her fight against breast cancer, agonized and prayed much over a wayward child, and witnessed heart-wrenching moments as their son-in-law, Andrew, received a diagnosis of critical lung disease, almost died, and received a double lung transplant in miracle time. Pastor Troy has flown to Cuba to assist the church there, and regularly teaches at a school of ministry and at Teen Challenge, bringing many of the students to our church to listen and minister accordingly. Pastor has such a heart for missions and continually brings in missionaries for us to meet, encourage and support. Sara teaches Wednesday nights on a regular basis, and puts her heart and soul into the message. She is found more often than not in the nursery. They continue to shepherd, love, and inspire us to follow hard after Christ, leading by example.

“Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. As you carefully observe the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith”. -Hebrews 13:7

This verse sums up their lives and influence upon all who truly know them…Thank you, Pastor and Sara, for being “Christ in the Flesh” for us…We love you more than words….