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Alive And Breathing

Matt Maher

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Roy Fruits

Church: Rockpoint Church

Our family is so thankful for the fearless leadership of our church’s pastor, Roy Fruits. He is a gift to our congregation. I first met Roy in 2007 and was immediately impressed with his passion for the Bible and his preaching of the Gospel.

When my boyfriend and I became engaged, he was one of the first people I talked to. He officiated our wedding ceremony beautifully in 2011. As newlyweds, we looked for a new church to call home, but very quickly found ourselves back at Rockpoint. Our biggest reason to return was the preaching of Roy Fruits.

His message on baptism drew us closer to the Lord and we decided to be baptized in 2013. Guess who was the one doing our baptisms? Roy Fruits. I will never forget his words, Raised to new life in Christ!

The messages we hear each Sunday continue to inspire and encourage us, I am amazed at the Biblical teachings we hear. Ten years after my husband and I were baptized, we were blessed to witness our two children be baptized by our very own Roy Fruits. He perseveres in sharing the Gospel, calling us to witness to our friends and teaching the Bible with authority. I am truly thankful for these many years of leadership Roy has served. Jesus has blessed him greatly with the gifts he has. Roy Fruits is a man of strength and wisdom.

Thank the Lord for our faithful pastor!

Pastor Roy you are a light during these dark days. Our Lord Jesus Christ is pleased with all the people you bring to Jesus. Keep loving your neighbor more than yourself. You are a blessing to so many. May God continue to bless you and keep Rockpoint a healthy church in Jesus’s name we pray. Amen!