Scott Foster

Church: The Grove Church – Maple Grove

Pastor Scott has done a great job as he has been a pastor at our church for several years now! He has a great heart for the Lord and for spreading the Gospel. He is warm and friendly and cares about the people in his church. Recently, Scott went on a mission trip to Kentucky to help out families there. It was great to hear about it when he came back. Pastor Scott loves the Lord and his family, and his church and we are so happy to have him as our pastor!

Pastor Scott, thank you for shepherding your flock well, all with the goal of giving the Lord ALL the glory. The humility, tenderness and grace with which you preach is a gift – and I’m so thankful to be a recipient of that gift. Thank you, too, for walking with my family through a very dark & difficult season. It’s fitting that as I type this, the song that’s playing on KTIS is “”Into the Sea”” by Tasha Layton – a definite anthem for what we experienced. I’m so grateful you were a consistent reminder of “”it’s going to be ok!”” May the Lord bless you, Erica and your girls mightily – this month of pastor appreciation and every month following. Love in Christ, Deanna