A pastor greeting smiling church members at the doorway of the church.

Pastor Appreciation Wall

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Ean McClelland – Cedar Bend church

astor Ean is a compassionate and dedicated recovery pastor that goes above and beyond to help others recover in Christ. He shares his own testimony and struggles with addiction while helping others to find the One True Healer Jesus. He also serves by helping and connecting to children whose parents struggle with addiction. He’s opened his home to others with sharing dinner and bible studies. He’s been quick to listen and pray for me and my husband when we’ve struggled. Pastor Ean is a blessing and we are grateful to God for his help and dedication to serving others in Christ’s love.

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Kaleb Hurley – Hope Church

There are Sooooo many reasons. 1. The way he delivers the Word of God, he make Us Feel the Holy Spirit come right through him as he delivers the words from the Holy Bible. 2. His compassion and Love for Our Father is so obvious when you see him and when he speaks to you about Him. 3. Yes, he is busy as most Pastors are but I have NEVER seen him too busy not make time for someone in need or have a cup of coffee with or just to have a listening ear to listen to their troubles or inspirational story. Then he just won’t leave you hanging in your troubles-he will share examples from the Holy Bible that give you encouragement. Or he will introduce you a person of faith, that works on his staff- to help you with the issues further. Or he will make a time for them to come back and talk to them future about what ever it is 4. He wants more for ALL of God’s Children no matter if he knows them or not. 5. He has set up a lot of different books that we share & take the time to read together as a Church, on different nights. 5. He has changed my Life as well as MANY others I have met- in accepting God as Our Father and knowing how Special he thinks we are and that Our Lord Jesus Christ is ALWAYS with us and we are not alone. I did not think I was very loved or deserved it But I really know that I am because of the guidance of Pastor Kaleb Hurley has showing me through reading My Bible and getting a relationship with God. Kaleb has given his life to Jesus Christ for the last 20 years and it shows and shines through him. I have been at the Hope Church in Albert Lea. Mn for only 3 years and I am not the same person because of Pastor Kaleb Hurley and the Holy Spirit in my Soul. He saw my need and want for Jesus in my life before I even knew it and then he surrounded me with other Children of God and I have never looked back. Only forward with Jesus at my side. I was think what I could do for awhile and yesterday I heard on KTIS about this contest for him to have a weekend for Him self wow. . but more than that I wanted to tell you what a Amazing Pastor we have at the Hope Church.-Pastor Kaleb Hurley. He cares about us today & our future with Jesus and that take a Special Man and he is. Thank you,

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Mark and Krystal Katzenberger – Transform Church

I appreciate Mark and Krystal, for many reasons. They have been loving and down to earth people who have grown a church congregation in a short period of time. They show the love of Christ to others and have built great community in the church. They also encourage the congregation and spend a lot of time making sure people feel welcomed. I’m thankful for the messages of hope, love and truth that Mark shares. And the continued sacrifices they make for people at Transform church. Mark and Krystal are shepherding people yo Christ in our Andover community, thank you guys!

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Judson and Kristen Bartel – Sound Church

I appreciate his preaching, that he is a pastor, and a teacher. He explains the word of God, what was being said, why it was said, to whom it was said to and explains how it fits into life at that time. With this understanding, with the Holy Spirit, he never fails to apply it to your daily life. He is not afraid to stand boldly, proclaim, and sound out the word of God! They are always warm and welcoming and preach the word from the Bible. They make it fun but get the point across. They are willing to help anyone they can, never ask for money, and always love you for who you are. They have always been willing to give my kids ride to and from outings. We love them.

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Nate Miller – Revive Church Twin Cities

I’ve known Nate for the past 4 years, and when me and my family came to revive church, the first Sunday he introduced himself to us. He is really good at making sure everyone feels welcomed and is a very selfless person. When I first started coming, Nate was the youth pastor and did a great job teaching and mentoring us youth. He is also a great husband and father, when I help out in kids ministry I can see the light of Jesus shine through his kids!

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Jeff Phelps – Crossroads Church

Pastor Jeff is just amazing! His sermons always connect with people- he is able to bring humor with humility into his sermons while keeping them all based on the Bible. He also connects with people who attend- knows them by name – and he is sincere with his love and passion for Jesus. He loves to play games with the kids and attends and helps out with family ministry as well. He has helped to grow our church in the last 4 years from approx. 300-400 people attending to now about 800-900 each Sunday. He and our music team lead 3 Services each Sunday because we don’t have enough room- yet. He is as real as you get and it shows in all he does. He continues minister and prayerfully bring people to Jesus.

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Jeff O’Rourke – Mosaic Christian Community

I really appreciate pastor Jeff because the ministry he has in mind and how he tries to serve the community according to the communities’ needs. The church resides in east Saint Paul with a great diversity of residents. Because of that, he really pays attention to the need of each ethnic group. The ministry that drew me to the church is their scared settlement ministry where they provide tiny home housing for the homeless community in the east St. Paul area. Moreover, I really appreciate the immigrant connection ministry. They assist first generation immigrants and refugees to apply the right documentation and offer them the assistance they need to navigate life here in the US. I also appreciate the block parties they host during summer. I was able to meet a lot children around the neighborhood that aren’t Christians and I was able to build good relationships with them through the block parties. These ministries showed me a lot about Pastor Jeff’s integrity and his heart for the community. I believe he’s one of the few pastors I know that does more than he says. In a world where there is so much hatred and tension, I believe actions speaks louder than words, and pastor Jeff does an amazing job at it.

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Jeff Horch – Village Evangelical Free Church

Pastor Jeff has counseled me for a few years when I was “stuck” and filled with anxiety and fear. He has been very kind and patient with me and continually reassured me that I was in a safe place and did not need to worry about him judging me. That was vitally important in my spiritual journey. God used Pastor Jeff to help me see what was happening in my mind: how I grabbed onto things, including the lies, and let them spin in my mind for days. He helped me to see what I need to do to change that, and he and his wife, Anne, are planning to help me to make the necessary changes. Pastor Jeff is planning to baptize me in a few weeks. I am forever grateful for him and his wife, Anne, and their ministry to me! We are so blessed to have him as our pastor and he and his wife as our friends and our shepherds!

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Jesse Eisel – Christ Church-Otsego

Pastor Jesse is young but packed with faith and spirit that is powerful like a lion. His ministry Firestarters Monday evenings at Christ Church-Otsego is changing lives with the presence of the Holy Spirit in music and prayer. His heart and faith is on fire for the Lord and he isn’t afraid to spread the word through praise and worship. Pastor Jesse and Firestarters have helped the spirit within me come alive while improving and encouraging my walk in life to align with one that is lead more through Christ than the flesh. I am so grateful for Pastor Jesse and all the ways he has changed my life. He would say “Not me. The Lord.” I remind him often Yes the Lord but Pastor Jesse is a great tool the Lord is using here on Earth in this lifetime right now.

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Randy Westerberg – Cross Pointe Church

Dr. Randy Westerberg, an exceptional pastor who has faithfully served his congregation for over 30 years. He is dedicated to preaching biblical truths with conviction and guiding his flock with wisdom and grace. Dr. Westerberg has a deep passion for Men’s Ministry, believing that the spiritual foundation of a household begins with the husband. He is equally committed to the growth and development of Women’s and Children’s ministries. Additionally, he plays a vital role in the Biblical Counseling ministry, as Cross Pointe Church is a certified training center for biblical counseling in Minnesota. Alongside his pastoral duties, Dr. Westerberg is also a practicing chiropractor, embodying service both in the spiritual and physical well-being of others.

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Anthony Passante – New Creation World Outreach Church

Thank you Thank you !!!! For your consistent dedication, passion and love for the youth Now more than ever the youth need leaders who challenge them and inspire their hearts for purity and ownership of the Kingdom ways and living. Your love for Jesus inspires recharges us all !! Mostly I admire how you challenge the church for a response !!! You are making a huge impact in the church and generations to come! Thank you and God bless you

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Jeremiah Curran & Eli Burkman – Westbridge Church

I reached out to Westbridge during a very difficult time for my family, my daughter was tragically killed and my family had to endure a trial, which during the trial, my mom was slowing fading away and died 2 weeks after the trial. Then I was almost killed by my former partner and needed to quickly move to keep my family safe. Our Pastors helped my family in ways that was completely unreal and now 2 + years later, my family is safe and settled and continue to trust God daily. Our church ROCKS!

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Jeff Matteson – Hope Summit Christian Church

Where do I begin? I am beyond grateful for the past decade of having Jeff’s leadership at Hope Summit Christian Church. His ability to discern God’s Word and preach and teach has truly blessed our church family. He has the biggest heart and cares for those inside and outside the church. He gives his time generously, he is involved in the Rochester community, and he goes above and beyond in all he does. Jeff has personally blessed my family with incredible support through some very hard circumstances. I am grateful to call him pastor and friend. Thank you, Jeff, for everything!!!

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Matt Tolosa – Grace Baptist Church

Pastor Matt Tolosa and his wife Nicole have faithfully served Grace for 9 years as of yesterday. They have lead and shepherded well. They are always opening their home to everyone… church people, community members, college kids, etc. They have spent countless hours discipling and investing in those around them. They have also stayed, counseled, and lead well during some tumultuous seasons – further confirming that Christ is our Rock and our Hope. They love this community of Owatonna and want to ‘make God look good’, and for people around them to have the hope of Christ in their life.

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Zach Freitas – Freshwater Church

Pastor Zach is a very kind pastor, with running around with his wife Kate and his 3 kids, Selah, Judah, and Norah he still finds time for his church family. He truly cares about everyone. His prayers are so meaningful and heartfelt and he always touches someone with his message. It’s always a fun time. Pastor Zach is a kindhearted, caring pastor who tries to help all he can. He truly made a difference in my life with all the prayers he prayed with me after my mom passed. He cares and loves deeply.

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Pat Simmons – St. Michael’s Lutheran Church

The relationship with Pastor Pat first started when my now 14 year old step daughter was 7 and we started going to St Michael’s. She loved Pastor Pat and they had such a special bond that she always said she wanted to be just like Pastor Pat when she got older. Pastor Pat helped her through having a blended family, he helped her find her faith and had been a person she could always turn to for prayers. Our family has since been through a move, my step daughter starting a new school, and the loss of our 16 week old baby girl at Christmas last year and most recently career struggles for my husband. Through it all, Pastor Pat has been there. He’s always answered our calls and prayed with us. He’s always been there and we are so appreciative for all he has done for our family and we could never repay him for his kindness, and God’s love that he shares with us everyday.

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Eric Hayford-Quansah – Miracle Palace Chapel

My pastor is one of my role models. He has taught me so much. His humility, leadership, patience, faithfulness, hard-work, and dedication is off the charts. He never fails to put a smile on my face even on my worst days. Through adversity he never loses hope. He makes himself available for any and everyone. Becoming a member at his church is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. He has taught me so much about Jesus Christ and I’m thankful God is using him to impact my life and everyone around him!

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