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Faithful Still

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Tasha Layton reminds us why ‘It’s Gonna Be Okay’

Tasha Layton reminds us why ‘It’s Gonna Be Okay’

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“‘It’s gonna be okay’ because His presence is always with us and, even to the end, even in the worst scenario, He’s set eternity in our hearts…” – Tasha Layton

Sometimes, it’s shocking to realize that the world is still spinning. Despite so much pain and horror, earth still exists. If you’ve ever felt as if your world was crumbling around you, perhaps you wish to go back in time and hold your past self. When you’re choked up from the heartache, the only words that might be able to stumble out of your mouth, are simply, “it’s gonna be okay.”

That phrase can be hard to believe. But Tasha Layton describes how these simple words can be so meaningful as we endure the trials of this life.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
– John 16:33