Rebecca’s story

About a month ago, doctors discovered a tumor on my husband's right kidney. The tumor completely engulfed the kidney, which would need to be removed as well. Given the size of the tumor (approximately 7 inches in diameter) the doctor's estimated it had been growing for 5-7 years! The tumor had also grown into a nearby bloodstream, meaning cancer cells were likely carried throughout his body. Doctor's were also concerned about the cancer potentially spreading to lymph nodes in the area. After numerous tests and scans, he was scheduled for surgery at Mayo clinic in Rochester last week.

KTIS was with me every step of the way, through the diagnosis, doctor visits, tests and every minute of the 5 hour surgery. By the grace of God, our faith moved mountains that day. The doctor confirmed that the tumor was removed with completely clean margins, and the lymph nodes were negative for cancer as well. We could not have received better news!

I have experienced first hand that you cannot worry and praise God at the same time, so I choose to praise God.