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Pat Simmons

The relationship with Pastor Pat first started when my now 14 year old step daughter was 7 and we started going to St Michael’s. She loved Pastor Pat and they had such a special bond that she always said she wanted to be just like Pastor Pat when she got older. Pastor Pat helped her through having a blended family, he helped her find her faith and had been a person she could always turn to for prayers. Our family has since been through a move, my step daughter starting a new school, and the loss of our 16 week old baby girl at Christmas last year and most recently career struggles for my husband. Through it all, Pastor Pat has been there. He’s always answered our calls and prayed with us. He’s always been there and we are so appreciative for all he has done for our family and we could never repay him for his kindness, and God’s love that he shares with us everyday.