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Even So Come

Kristian Stanfill

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Kaleb Hurley – Hope Church

There are Sooooo many reasons. 1. The way he delivers the Word of God, he make Us Feel the Holy Spirit come right through him as he delivers the words from the Holy Bible. 2. His compassion and Love for Our Father is so obvious when you see him and when he speaks to you about Him. 3. Yes, he is busy as most Pastors are but I have NEVER seen him too busy not make time for someone in need or have a cup of coffee with or just to have a listening ear to listen to their troubles or inspirational story. Then he just won’t leave you hanging in your troubles-he will share examples from the Holy Bible that give you encouragement. Or he will introduce you a person of faith, that works on his staff- to help you with the issues further. Or he will make a time for them to come back and talk to them future about what ever it is 4. He wants more for ALL of God’s Children no matter if he knows them or not. 5. He has set up a lot of different books that we share & take the time to read together as a Church, on different nights. 5. He has changed my Life as well as MANY others I have met- in accepting God as Our Father and knowing how Special he thinks we are and that Our Lord Jesus Christ is ALWAYS with us and we are not alone. I did not think I was very loved or deserved it But I really know that I am because of the guidance of Pastor Kaleb Hurley has showing me through reading My Bible and getting a relationship with God. Kaleb has given his life to Jesus Christ for the last 20 years and it shows and shines through him. I have been at the Hope Church in Albert Lea. Mn for only 3 years and I am not the same person because of Pastor Kaleb Hurley and the Holy Spirit in my Soul. He saw my need and want for Jesus in my life before I even knew it and then he surrounded me with other Children of God and I have never looked back. Only forward with Jesus at my side. I was think what I could do for awhile and yesterday I heard on KTIS about this contest for him to have a weekend for Him self wow. . but more than that I wanted to tell you what a Amazing Pastor we have at the Hope Church.-Pastor Kaleb Hurley. He cares about us today & our future with Jesus and that take a Special Man and he is. Thank you,