Big Daddy Weave

Big Daddy Weave – “Let It Begin”

Here’s Big Daddy Weave on the story behind “Let It Begin”:

“I had been intensely grieving the passing of my little brother, sharing about his life every night in our shows, and most nights I was just really falling apart. It was ugly, it was rough. In fact, the breaking down would happen so frequently and almost like clockwork, that as I shared about him, there would be places where I would just sort of plan to fall apart, to have to fall apart. I would just figure that into the talk to give myself a second.

Until one night when I paused to give myself a second to cry, or to try to compose myself, I realized I didn’t need it.

Did the story still hurt? Yes. And did missing my best friend still hurt? Yes. But there was something different. There was a healing that had taken place. It wasn’t all the way, it wasn’t complete. But there had been this progress, this progression, and that filled me with so much hope for the future in my life.

God is a healer, and healing is a process. It wasn’t long after that I got a text from my buddy, Matt Maher, and he shared a song that he had written that had been on his heart for Big Daddy Weave. And so, without ever even talking to him about any of this, he’d written this song that just gave voice to the healing I was experiencing day by day, little bit by little bit. This song is for all of us moving forward in the Lord.

Jesus, you don’t leave me where I’ve been. If this is healing, let it begin.‘”