Two women and one man are smiling and sitting on a colourful sofa

CAIN’s journey to music as a band of siblings

Elena Nowlin

There is rarely a more unique sound than that of siblings singing together. Some might wonder what the band CAIN’s home may have sounded like in their childhood. This sibling trio has stuck together through the trials and tribulations of the music industry and now they have written mesmerizing Christian music. So how did this fascinating band start?

As children, Taylor, Madison, and Logan served on the worship team at their church for their father, who served as the head pastor. They stayed close over the years, living together during college and continuing to sing and harmonize into their young adult years, the rich tones of their voices blending effortlessly.

The siblings later found out about a music contest that promised to feature them at Workplay Theater in Birmingham. Entering on a whim, they covered Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance with Somebody.”

The siblings were surprised as they continued to advance throughout the rounds and ultimately win the contest. After winning the competition, they were asked to create an original song because of the contest stipulations. This small competition helped push them into writing their first song and entering the music industry.

After five years of successes and setbacks, the Cain siblings felt like they should move on from music. While they still led worship at their church, they were uncertain they could write country music as a career. “We had to learn,” Taylor Cain Matz reminisced on the podcast I Love That Song. “We had to go through all the hard stuff. You don’t just wake up successful.”

After a season of singing primarily at their church, they were approached by one of the church congregants about entering the music industry as Christian artists. Taylor, Madison, and Logan jumped at the opportunity.

Soon after their entrance into the Christian music arena, they wrote “Rise Up (Lazarus),” a single that tells the story in John 11 about Lazarus’ miraculous revival from the dead. John 11:38–44 recounts this story:

Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. “Take away the stone,” he said.

“But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.”

Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”

So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.”

When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.

Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”

CAIN sings about this miracle in their song “Rise Up (Lazarus)” in a way that is applicable to our daily lives. Just as Jesus rose Lazarus from the dead so many years ago, He will be faithful to raise us up from the dead when He comes again. He also calls us to rise from spiritual death during our time on earth. This song expresses those truths:

Come on and rise up
Take a breath, you’re alive now
Can’t you hear the voice of Jesus calling us
Out from the grave like Lazarus
You’re brand new
The power of death couldn’t hold you
Can’t you hear the voice of Jesus calling us
Out from the grave like Lazarus

(CAIN, “Rise Up (Lazarus)”)

Taylor Cain Matz reflected that the song “means something different to me now than [it did] the day that I wrote it.” The song “Rise Up (Lazarus)” has significance for millions of others as well. Not only is this song broadcast on radio stations, but it is also shared through social media, video, audio, and the written word. This miraculous Bible story is heard by many through a catchy melody that is spreading like wildfire.

A KTIS listener reminisced, “I found myself deep in an addiction for many years, and God has pulled me out of that. And that song encourages me every time I hear it … that I can walk through this. I am more than sober; I am free. My life is flourishing in ways I never thought possible. And it’s just such a beautiful journey.”

CAIN’s musical style is supported by their strong social media presence. They also wear matching outfits that remind listeners of their sibling bond.

CAIN pairs their immense musical and vocal talent with clever videos that highlight their music and express their authenticity. In some of their music videos, they write captions that comment on the real—and sometimes humorous—realities of creating music videos. One caption mentioned their concern about dinging their old-fashioned rental car and noted that the 100-degree desert weather made the artistic campfire scenes unbearable.

On I Love That Song, Taylor described CAIN’s musical style filled with captivating vocal harmony as a “swampy soul style” and their most recent song, “Yes He Can,” as having a “stomp-clap” beat. About “Yes He Can,” Taylor said, “If He’s done it before, you’ve got to have hope that He can do it again. He can do anything.”

“Did He move every mountain?
Did He part every sea?
Yes He did
So yes He can
Did He defeat the darkness?
Did He deliver me?
Yes He did
So yes He can
Yes He did
So yes He can”

 (CAIN, “Yes He Can”)

CAIN trusted these realities when writing an album – or creating any music at all – seemed impossible, and they were forced to postpone their musical careers. Despite those setbacks, God was faithful and gave them an opportunity to serve in worship ministry while still pursuing their musical careers. Now, they perform at concerts and write more songs.

CAIN continues to craft stories that inspire us to trust that Christ will be faithful to do what He has promised. Jesus promises us that we can find salvation, redemption, and resurrection from the dead if we are faithful to entrust everything to Him.

Listen to I Love That Song with Keith Stevens and subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts to hear more from your favorite artists.

Do you enjoy CAIN’s music? They are playing live at concerts all around the United States. Buy tickets by visiting their website.